Without intending to offend anyone:

If you are not willing to learn new things then you will be left behind.

I do not know the situation in the US or other countries for that matter, but 
here in Germany the market for custom database development has all but dried 
up, over the last few years we have been scraping the bottom of the barrel.

So learning new technologies is a question of survival.

I admit that deciding on a framework to use and on a technology choice is quite 
challenging, as every 6 months a new technology is driven to market, better, 
brighter, greater, more awesome, bla bla bla.

I prefer the pragmatic approach, to keep things simple.
As 4D developers we ave the advantage of having learned over time to be a bit 
weary of any new technologies, and although this is not the case anymore with 
newer versions of 4D, in the old days we used to wait for .2 or .3 releases 
before even considering an update.
If we apply the same to web technologies we quickly see what has the power to 
prove itself in the market and what not.

The overly complicated concepts like React for example, will remain a realm for 
very few, and most don’t need it anyway.
JQuery will be around for quite a bit, it’s installed base is huge, so go and 
learn it.

It’s quite elegant and rather simple once you understand the concept.

When bringing 4D to the web, I trust Active 4D as the middleware, although I do 
not use it for presentation, only for data gathering, for hte presentation I 
have been using JQWidgets with some success, it is relatively simple to learn 
and quite powerful.

Recently did a shop for car spare parts with it, a fast and reliable 


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