On Jan 18, 2017, this was written:

> From: Peter Jakobsson
> Secondly, it has always bamboozled me the amount of non-native technologies 
> that get cited on threads like this when staring us in the face is one that 
> extends 4D’s language seamlessly and faithfully right out onto the web. In 
> that respect alone there can surely be few greater inhibitors to 
> scaleability, productivity and economy than to be working across multiple 
> language platforms instead of one.

> For me, the whole point of 4D is working in a seamless, coherent platform so 
> if I ever jump headlong into this world beyond Active4D it’ll be 4D+Wakanda 
> or a change of career (=retirement ?). Obviously I respect the fact that 
> others have genuine commercial priorities which dictate otherwise.
> Just my 2c !

all comments full of insight and correct, great....

But, I have tried four time to 'get a grip' on Active4D, I slam into text 
(manuals)  that makes no cense to me and does not empower me to continue to 
want to 'learn' this fantastic product, Which I had the privilege to be 
introduced to at it's presentation on a summit meeting.  
So I've scoured the internet for text / books / movies to see how one does work 
with this product, but found nothing much that could help me.  

Then if you try again after 1 year or so, there is a new version and the 'old 
ways' are phased out for a 'new way'.  That will keep you frustrated. 

The manuals might be very informative for those already versed in this matter.  
For me, a 4D developer from the first hour and no internet development 
background or any knowledge of oop nor javascript or html5, (I know some 
languages but they don't help here) where does one begin???.  Its no use to 
talk to web developers for that matter because all praise their tools only.  
Mention 4D and blank stares or repulsion is the reaction. 
Now if there were instruction books / movies  etc that will get you somewhere. 
For, why is there soo much literature on javascript, html5, php, python and a 
plethora of others ? because there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of 
users that are looking for reading / learning materials and for those there ARE 
and writers that write books.

You want to have a particular product accepted by the world, make sure you have 
good reading (teaching) material for all levels (beginners to advanced) for 
those that want to learn. Do something on Lynda.com to get the ball going. 

I don't have the time to learn a language like I did in 1986, no books and only 
examples in the language manuals to 'crack' or an example file with a coding 
style according to the level of the developer, try to un-spagetti that !!!   
With the amount of experience gained over the years, it's imperative to get 
results somewhat faster in a new technology since we did in the last century. 

If there are any good how-to books, aka 4D for Dummies or Active4D for dummies 
or any plugin, we all know them, then maybe we see more people using this 
product, otherwise it's stumbling around in the dark and that gets you nowhere 
and the developer nowhere.  Especially for people not living near user groups 
or in foreign countries.   In order to put up a good question, you have to know 
3/4 of the answer already else you start the presenter going into lecture mode. 

another 2 cts.   (keep them cents coming..)

ernie hilgers (aruba)
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