On 18 Jan 2017, at 23:16, Sujit Shah <sujit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I will be sold on any 4D based plugin or component that can demonstrate
> this.

Hi Sujit

I agree with the sentiment of your post which is why I’ve decided to sit out 
this particular phase of the human race’s evolution until it gets sorted out.

I blame Easyjet. They saw a tool that was invented for passing documents around 
university departments and decided they could fill plane seats with it. The 
rest is history, largely written by high-calibre electronic plumbers ;)

Never mind, the first 4D job I ever got was for a plumber so I can’t be too 
disrespectful. (Also, they’ve now overtaken me in billing rates so I’ll 
probably be joining them soon anyway :)  )

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