Hi Kirk!

> On Mar 14, 2017, at 11:23 AM, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> Robert,
> It sounds like you are doing some really interesting stuff.

Why yes, is there any other way?  :)

> kinds of files where surreptitious data are easily hidden. Then we get to
> the thousands of .dll files on a typical windows machine.

The requirement will be for Mac only and would exclude system files…. I’m 
mostly interested in media files… ProRes, Quicktime, TIFF, etc.

> These are the sorts of things already worked out and tools built to do
> them. I think it would be a large wheel to reinvent within 4D.

Actually, I’ve looked for years and have never found anything that will do 
this. It’s not impossible to do what needs to be done manually, it’s just a 
royal pain and prone to user errors that could result in data loss. Do you have 
a tool in mind?  I’m not looking to reinvent the wheel.

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