> The current approach has got to be quite inefficient. The problem I've got
> is that I can't come up with anything other than a WAG as to how much
> faster it will be.

It's been some time since I tested out size v. speed relationships in a
similar setup. And, of course, it depends  on your hardware, network, etc.
But, when I last tested it, the size of the download correlated pretty
exactly with the download time. I mean end-to-end. So, the overhead on
compression paid for itself nearly instantly. (The overhead proved to be
small.) 30% smaller payload, 30% less time required to download it.

Like you, I wasn't clear what the breakeven point was for the expense of
compression. I couldn't find a place where compression was a bad bet.

Assuming I'm on track with what you guys are talking about and
haven't wandered off into the woods again...
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