On May 5, 2017, at 2:00 PM,Cannon Smith wrote:

> Well, I thought I was talking about workers in general, but that was under 
> the assumption that all processes have some kind of execution cycle. Are you 
> saying that a non-UI process (ex. pre-emptive thread) won’t have an execution 
> cycle?

Sure workers have an execution cycle. They constantly look in their mailbox for 
any messages. As soon as there is one, it executes the method in the message. 
When the method finishes executing it checks the mailbox for any more messages 
if there are some, it get the next one off the queue and executes that method. 
That continues until the message queue is empty. As far as I know there are no 
delays in the execution cycle. 

The only delay is if there is already a method executing. If there is, then the 
worker waits until the method has finished. Then it gets the next message off 
the queue and executes that. Methods are executed one at a time and in the 
order they were received in the worker message queue.

> In either case, the only place I can think of where this might matter is in a 
> worker process that has UI in it, so yes, CALL FORM is where the rubber meets 
> the road here. I was trying to be more exact, but maybe assumed too much?

Yes that is what JPR was trying to get across. The only delayed action is to 
redraw the window of a form.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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