On May 4, 2017, at 2:00 PM,Cannon Smith wrote:

> I also learned that in previous versions a worker would check for the next 
> message once per execution cycle. Right now that has changed so that the 
> worker will continue executing whatever it needs to empty the message queue 
> all in one event cycle. There are pros and cons each way (although I wish it 
> were the former way), but this can affect UI updating in some cases, so it is 
> good to be aware of.

I think you are talking about using CALL FORM and not about workers in general. 
In the past if you did CALL FORM 10 times to the same form, it would do a 
redraw after each CALL FORM and thus could cause some flickering. Now when a 
windows starts dealing with a CALL FORM it handles all the CALL FORMs and then 
at the end it does a screen redraw. 


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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