Hi David and Canon

Wondered if you saw my guess/conjecture previously posted on this subject (not 
that it's much help !)...:-

OK, so we think this is due to DELAY PROCESS.

The change to DELAY PROCESS somewhere in 4D v15 was to change from a Longint to 
Real.  But the problems didn't start until v16, I think that's right.

Anyway, I'm wondering if the problem is when either Tickcount, Milliseconds or 
another internal 4D time measure overflows into negative territory.  I have no 
idea internally what measure 4D uses for DELAY PROCESS, nor what data type they 
use internally for it, but what if they aren't taking account of the overflow 
when the measure value goes from a large positive number to a large negative.

That could explain the large time period before the problem reoccurs??

Just throwing an idea out there.  We've only just jumped from v13 to v16R4, 
which means we don't have v16 out in production land yet, so we haven't yet 
seen this problem occur.

Best regards

Keith White
Synergist Express Ltd, UK.
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