This is a very timely topic for me. We put a good chunk of our medical 
application on the Web back in 2004. Back then we used Apache up front, and 
then just used 4D to generate the HTML. We had 4D serve the HTML through a 4D 
Client back through Apache. It worked very well, and is still running today. 
The company that bought our company had that approach adapted to their software 
since for some reason they could not figure out how to do it with Microsoft SQL 
Server product (strange!).

I could go that way again, but I keep seeing all the ‘hype’ on other tools 
which I am sure that once one learns them they save a bunch of time. I am all 
about saving time, while having features. Writing a backend interface seems 
like a good way to go, then decide on the front or middle wear tools that could 
be exchanged as needed seems like a good way to go.

Wakanda comes to mind too, but that can be for private discussions at the 
Summit in April, unless someone would like to comment on that. Looking forward 
to the Summit in April, seeing people I have not seen in years, and learning 
again. Going back into the first world for a ‘vacation’ from the farm - lucky 
am I.

Jody Bevan
ARGUS Productions Inc.
Argus Productions Inc. <>

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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