For what is is worth, I had the complete opposite experience in Quebec.
(Remember that health care is a provincial mandate, so experience varies from 
province to province.)

In the last two years, Quebec overhauled the interface for payments for 
doctors, and those  services covered by pharmacists, dentists and optometrists.

They produced working papers. Have many well attended meetings with developers 
over several years. Encouraged beta test users and took feedback and actually 
incorporated it. The produced the final specifications. Roll out was over a 15 
month period. Developers had access to a test site to test their application. 
There was also a dedicated support team, that ( I can’t believe I am writing 
this) promptly responded to questions. I am a 2 bit player in this universe but 
got to know the support team by first name.

Their new system is robust, fast, and collects meaningful billing and service 
data compared to the last system. My doctors get paid quicker and billing is 
faster and more accurately captures what they do.

4D was the ideal environment for this with its full XML and SOAP library. Got 
help from the NUG too of course. I wrote the whole module in 1 month of part 
time coding.   ( I practice medicine the rest of the time). Again thanks to 4D.

So again, I can’t believe I am saying this but our government here in Quebec 
got it right. There are dozens of competitors out there still thriving.

Jody, I am so sorry to hear about your experience. ( highlights the worst 
aspect some governments have ). I met you many years ago at a Summit and you 
gave me many useful tips and ideas.


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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