if you can get to the 'user' environment there is an export option for 
(File -> export -> data to file -> File tab)
in the dialog there is an option for format - in the drop down list 
there is an xml option.

This may work for you -- do not know - never used it.
another option might be :
File -> Export -> Data to ODBC source

I am reasonably certain that Excel is/can be an ODBC source so you 
might be able to export that way. Again, never used this option.

One more idea:
File -> export -> Data to file -> Delimeters tab
there are options for you to supply your own delimiter instead of Tab, 
or Return
You could determine some unlikely character (char 254 & 255) come to 
mind.  The ascii chart in the 4D documentation includes the required 
keystroke combination to produce various 'special' characters

On Sun, 5 Aug 2018 20:26:15 +0000, Perkins, Bradley D via 4D_Tech wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> I've been working  this with the QR Editor with some success. Another 
> challenge I've found is that the 4D text fields have carriage 
> returns, carriage return/new line pairs, and even some tabs.  
> Therefore I'll need to nest the calls to Replace string in the proper 
> order to place markers for all three.
> Thanks for pointing out the limitations I will need to see if any of 
> the text fields are larger than 32,767 characters. This is an older 
> system that started life in v3. The output file size will not be an 
> issue.
> Best,
> Brad
> ________________________________
> From: Benedict, Tom <tom.bened...@optum.com>
> Sent: Friday, August 3, 2018 2:19:44 PM
> To: Perkins, Bradley D; 4d_tech@lists.4d.com
> Subject: Re: Export text columns containing carriage returns to Excel?
> Brad Perkins writes:
>> I've been asked to provide an export from a legacy 4D system 
>> delivered as an .xlsx file.
>> The challenge I'm facing is that this table contains a number of 
>> text fields and
>> the customer requires the imported column cells to retain the 
>> returns or line feeds
>> in the original text fields. If I do a straight tab-delimited export 
>> with carriage returns
>> as the end of line marker, the imported result does not preserve the 
>> original row
>> because any returns encountered in the text fields are interpreted 
>> as end of row.
>> My other challenge is that I need to do this with out-of-box end 
>> user capabilities
>> from a client (v15.4 remote) against a compiled server. I can't 
>> install plugins, create new methods, etc.
>> It has been many years since I've had to do this type of thing in 4D.
>> Can I replace the carriage returns in the text fields with a special 
>> marker during export?
>> I could replace the Excel cells containing the any carriage return 
>> markers with actual returns after import.
> Use the Quick Report Editor. You can put formulas in the columns 
> which include a call to Replace string.
> There are some limitation which I’ve encountered:
> -          The Quick Report Editor is 32bit (evidently) which limits 
> the size of the output file to 4GB. Hopefully you don’t run in to 
> that limit. (I did recently).
> -          Any given cell in Excel can only hold 32,767 characters. 
> If you have more than that you’ll have to do some fancy segmenting 
> into another column in the output.
> HTH, let me know if you have further questions. I have very recent 
> experience doing just this.
> Tom Benedict
> Optum
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