I keep 4D Server in Program Files and the structure and data etc on a different 
storage system.  

If this was an OEM or merged app I would keep everything on the separate 

> On May 7, 2019, at 12:45 AM, Tom Benedict <benedic...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> We had 4D Server and all 4D files including .4DD and .journal files on the 
> same disk but separate from the . I know that it’s usually recommended to 
> keep the .journal on a different disk or even a different file server, but 
> since we were on a SAN, disk reliability was much higher than network 
> reliability. The chance of a network disconnect causing the link to the 
> .journal to break was avoided by having it on the same disk. We also 
> mirrored, via log shipping, every 15 minutes, so that provided sufficient 
> redundancy. Under WS2008 there were no restrictions on where an app needed to 
> reside, but there may be in WS2016, so I’ll let Jeff chime in on that.
> HTH,
> Tom
>> On May 6, 2019, at 21:08, Ed Hammond <ehamm...@questinformation.com> wrote:
>> Jeff and Tom,
>> Thanks for the pointing us in the correct direction. We are now all 64 bit, 
>> so that hurdle has been crossed. I’ll talk to our IT staff about defender 
>> issues. Any tips on where the application should be located? Pluses and 
>> minuses for running as a service?
>>> On May 6, 2019, at 1:14 PM, Jeffrey Kain <jeffrey.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> One point - in Windows Server 2016, Windows Defender is turned on by 
>>> default (antivirus/anti-malware). You'll definitely want to either write 
>>> exclusions for all 4D-related directories and file types, or disable it 
>>> altogether (you can do a Google search for how to completely disable it if 
>>> your server is well firewalled... required command line access to do this).
>>>> On May 6, 2019, at 1:45 PM, Tom Benedict via 4D_Tech 
>>>> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ed,
>>>>> We are beginning to transition our servers from Mac to Windows. For those 
>>>>> of you who have made the journey, what have you found to be best 
>>>>> practices 
>>>>> for a built c/s app running on Windows Server 2016 Standard? Are there 
>>>>> any 
>>>>> gotcha's we should watch out for? Direct roads to smooth sailing?
>>>> Running 4D Server under Windows Server is pretty straightforward. I don’t 
>>>> know about specific WS 2016 issues, but in general there are only a few 
>>>> things to set for 4D Server to run best. 
>>>> One thing to make sure is to set it to be optimized as a data server, not 
>>>> a file server. In WS 2008 that setting was in the “Performance Options” 
>>>> control Panel, but may be elsewhere in v2016.
>>> This setting is no longer around... it's smart enough to figure out what 
>>> you're doing and not run into dueling cache issues.
>>> Jeff
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Edgar Hammond                            ehamm...@questinformation.com
>> Quest Information Systems                                 847 234-1345
>> http://www.questinformation.com
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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