>It seems to be working, in that the listbox is updated, but I’m finding that 
>the first window
> (in whose context the method invoked by CALL FORM is run) jumps to the front.
> I don’t see anything in the >documentation that suggests it will do that. 
> It’s probably easy>
 enough to work around, but I wonder: am I missing something?


Call form is one of those commands that might be better if named differently. I 
think it should be Call Window...

Anyway, the Call form should only execute the method you pass in, it shouldn't 
change the window layering. To see if it is the call form or something in your 
code call an empty method or something with a beep only. See if you still see 
the called window coming forward. If you do, this is a good candidate for a bug 
to report to 4D, if not then it is something in the method you are executing 
that is changing the form order.


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