Sorry - I find it so annoying when people recommend things I can't get at

Here's a short primer from my own, limited, work with using DIALOG(*).

First, why? I think the idea is to reduce the number of processes some of
us create simply to display data. It's not uncommon for a user on my system
to have 20 or so processes due to having lots of records open at one time.
Not to mention the various controllers, lookup forms and what not I may
have and a few background processes. Not a problem for smallish systems but
the guys at Sweetwater would explode with that kind of load on the server.
So by allowing multiple windows in a process we have the option of
centralizing UI windows, for example.

In previous versions of 4D the memory required for this could have been a
problem. Not so much now because of the increased use of references rather
than full copies of data.

So far the best scheme I've found for managing this sort of thing is a
UI_Process method that starts the process and displays a form where users
can find and open records. I don't usually like toolbars but it could be
that, a floating window or just a form. This form 'anchors' the process and
keeps it open. There has to be one DIALOG call without the * otherwise the
method just runs to the end, the process closes and all the DIALOG(*)
windows close.

After that it's really about the aesthetics of your interface what you want
to do. There's no particular reason not to open a form in its own process
if you need to. I find having all the UI forms in a single process makes
communicating between them easy and I don't have to resort to IP vars,
setting process variables or Storage.

On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 2:34 PM Jeremy Roussak via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> Kirk,
> As neither an attender nor a partner, I can’t see that presentation (yet;
> I assume it will become more generally available one day). I need to look
> more closely at DIALOG(*), but it does seem to me that CALL FORM can be
> pretty useful as a means of interprocess communication as well as
> inter-window.

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

What can be said, can be said clearly,
and what you can’t say, you should shut up about

*Wittgenstein and the Computer *
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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