20 Seconds



Il 13/12/19 17:00, Tom Benedict ha scritto:
What is the “Flush Cache every..” value in Database Settings>Memory? If there 
are ‘lots’ of records being flushed, sometimes that can take a while. Setting the 
value smaller causes it to happen more frequently, but fewer records, which can be 
more efficient.


Tom Benedict

On Dec 13, 2019, at 07:39, stardata.info via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 

Hi All,

In one my application in 4D V13.4 on Windows, in some circumstances 4D client 
freezes, seems when in one process he must to write more records.

During these freezes periods, the 3/4 processes launched from my applications 
work, but the front end interface is locked and is not responsive.

After some seconds or minutes, 4D client work normally. Is possibile that this 
is because he must to write more records ( i think around 100 - 300 records )?

Is necessary to use FLUSH BUFFER commands?

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