I have been using QBManager from Myles Wakeham up until now with version 15.4, but it will not work with v17.

I found this link (https://github.com/miyako/4d-tips-quickbook-integration) from the post (below) from Miyako in 2017 regarding integration to QuickBooks.

I've downloaded the database, but the code does not look familiar to QBManager in any way.

I'm not sure how to use Miyako's plugin to open a connection to QuickBooks and then subsequently send and retrieve data and then close the connection.

The QBManager plugin uses QBXML to do all of this. I'm wondering if I need to re-write all of the code to use Miyako's plugin, or if some/most of it can be reused.

Is there any documentation or examples for Miyako's plugin that anyone is aware of and would be willing to share?

Thank you,
Ken Eyring

On 09/05/17 20:26 PM, Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech wrote:
you could start from here:


2017/09/06 8:18、Douglas von Roeder via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> のメール:
What's the best approach to take for that.

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