oh gawd, so much has happened on this thread in a couple of days...
@Tom - I get an error for 3d buttons, too "3D button style is not
supported."  I was thinking of writing a quick tool to fix all the button
types, since parsing and editing the JSON should be straightforward, but
what I might do instead is farm this out to the people who are patiently
waiting for the RFQ on this project
@John - method comments are gone - does that mean that they aren't even
exported when the project is created?

All of the Git GUI tools have their thing, and there are definitely times
when the CLI is the way to go, but that is becoming less and less
frequent.  I would say we're probably doing 95% or so of our git work in
GitKraken, and 5% in the CLI.  GK has been developing really rapidly,
including their Glo functionality, which gives you Kanban-style card boards
for tracking issues and priorities in your project, and it sync's with
Github's Issues if you want to do that.  We've been using GitKraken for a
couple of years (although on the ipads, for instance, we use Working Copy
b/c it's the only real git tool available on an ipad).  I personally don't
like Github desktop.

Did I mention that I'm really happy that 4D has chosen to go this direction?

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 8:55 AM John DeSoi via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>

> Hi Jeremy,
> One I used to use (GitX, I think) would sometimes take forever or spin the
> beach ball of death for large commits. I'm now using Fork (which I really
> like). Sometimes I get various commit or other operation errors. No
> problems from the command line.
> Here is another issue to watch out for with 4D/Git. In 4D you can globally
> rename a method changing only the case and not the spelling. Even if 4D
> changes the method name on disk, git remembers the case of first commit. It
> is not seen as a change because by default on Mac and Windows file names
> are not case sensitive. So if you switch branches, git checks out the file
> name using whatever case you used initially. This cases 4D to tokenize the
> name incorrectly in method callers.
> To solve this, you need to use git mv to tell git to use to updated name
> case when you rename methods without changing the spelling.
> John DeSoi, Ph.D.
> > On Jan 6, 2020, at 7:28 AM, Jeremy French <jeremyfre...@mac.com> wrote:
> >
> > What type of issues have you found using a GIT GUI tool?
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On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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