To your original question about which files to ignore I drop all the MacOS
specific files (obviously).

The RESOURCES folder is placed outside the Project folder. Data, Components
and Plugins are too. So the actual folder I make the git repo is the
database folder. Project folder is really the alternative to the
binary files. So inside of this folder I exclude the Preferences,
userPreferences and Logs. Here's a recent one:

# Untracked files and directories:



# OS generated files #

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 6:49 AM Mike Kerner via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>

>  method comments are gone - does that mean that they aren't even
> exported when the project is created?
It's that way now. I haven't heard anything concrete regarding what the
future plans are.
I was starting to get agitated about this but when i thought about it the
'method' is a text file now. Where are these comments going to go? Either
they are added as a field to the JSON in the file header (not preferable to
me) or they are maintained in some sort of separate structure. Like another
directory of text files. Nice - but more complexity.

So, what are Comments good for? Obviously comments in code are crucial but
these are a) more decorative and b) require a separate, specific action to
access. The most useful thing for me is that they are the help tips for
methods in components. You can't search on them, you can't easily update or
export them en masse. I don't think their value is worth the effort to
replicate in Project mode. I do think there is a need for improving the
documentation in a Project, but the old Comments aren't it.

Additionally, recent versions of v18 have a tendency to loose the block
comments. It seems like they simply aren't shown, not actually removed. I
reverted to an earlier version of v18 (244065) until they fix it.


Product name 4D - 4D Server [  Previous topic  |  Next topic  ]
Build 246179
Platform MacOSX
Full Name Kirk BROOKS
Bug number ACI0100382 (In Progress)
Severity UI/Usability
Bitness 64-bit
Submited 12/29/2019 - 16:32
Systems or/and 4D versions or/and hardware where the bug happens:
- 4D single user
Systems or/and 4D versions or/and hardware where the bug doesn't happen:

This build, and some recent previous ones, do not display block comments.
This applies to block comments created in a previous version, 244065 for
instance, as well as block comments entered in 246179.
This seems to be a display problem. The space the comments occupy is shown
but it's blank in 246179. The comments are there, however, Opening the same
database in 244065 and looking at the same method I see them.

1. open a method
2. create a block comment and type something. Comments are visible until
the method is closed.
3. close and re-open the method

ACTUAL RESULT: comments are not visible

EXPECTED RESULT: comments are visible

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

What can be said, can be said clearly,
and what you can’t say, you should shut up about

*Wittgenstein and the Computer *
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