code signature can easily get invalidated if the app or plugin was not packaged 
and distributed correctly.
for example, if you simply sign, zip and upload a file to a public server,
a downloaded copy would most probably be thrown to the bin.

the developer should sign, archive (pkg, zip, dmg), notarise, and staple the 
app or plugin before distribution.
also a plugin created for v17 R6 or earlier has manifest.json in a 
non-conventional location, which may get rejected by Catalina 10.15.3.

On Feb 12, 2020, at 13:18, Chuck Miller via 4D_Tech 
<<>> wrote:
Slightly related. Any idea why I have a plug-in that is signed but shows as 
damaged on Catalina but not in windows. I am not sure of other Mac OS versions.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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