Am 28.04.2020 um 17:01 schrieb Randy Jaynes via 4D_Tech <>:
> I was cursing Apple frequently and for the first time in 20+ years (did I 
> really say that?) seriously considering becoming a Windows only programmer.

I still develop on windows, but: 
Man am I happy that I only hav Windows clients…
So much less headaches, on all fronts.
And there is so much stuff you can do on windows easily that is an incredible 
PITA on Mac.
Examples : CTI, TWAIN, RDP, Virtualisation
Oh, and lets not go down the road of hardware prices, especially server…
I have no pity for anyone using a Mac as server, none whatsoever…
OK, my rant of the day.
Better stop before I start diving into the joys of visiting an apple store with 
a defective 6000 $ laptop.
The give a whole new meaning to the word „customer oriented service“

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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