quite simple actually, just get a pointer to the actual form element
in the object method just call:

OBJECT GET POINTER (object current)

you can even go one further und just put all that into the form method:

If (Form event code=On Data Change)
        $p_entry:=OBJECT Get pointer(Object with focus)
        If ((Type($p_entry)=Is text) | (Type($p_entry)=Is alpha field))
        End if 
End if 

careful here, you will need to switch to OBJECT GET POINTER(Object with focus) 
as you are not in the objects method anymore...


> Am 29.04.2020 um 07:55 schrieb Chris Belanger via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>:
> Generic programming of vars on a form is very complicated when one uses 
> object attributes for the data source.
> For example, on screen you make a simple text input object named “enCompany”. 
> It’s data source is Form.en_Company.Name (  i.e. [Company]Name  )
> In ‘classic 4d”, where the data source would be [Company]Name, one can code 
> its script:
> TRIM ( Self )
> And TRIM would simply take a POINTER, and you can perform operations on the 
> data that the user typed into that field. (Such as trim off leading & 
> trailing spaces).
> But with OBJECT NOTATION, that is all screwed up.
> You cannot get a PTR to, for instance, an object named ‘enCompany’ whose data 
> source is  Form.en_Company.Name
> So the script for it cannot be generic.
> It would seem to make sense to be able to do something like:
> TRIM ( Form Event.objectName ) — and have some way to actually do anything 
> with what the user typed into this element on-screen.
> You can’t use TRIM ( Self ) because Self is nil
> And v18r3 does not even have a solution to this in its documentation.
> It seems we should have some way of getting the user-input data of a screen 
> element even if we are using object notation.
> We would expect, at the least, something like  OBJECT Get Value ( ObjectName 
> ) and OBJECT Set Value ( Object Name ) but no!
> Any input? Wait for version 20 of 4D?
> - Chris
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