Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> rosea grammostola wrote:
>> Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>>> rosea grammostola wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is coming.... I think this means preparing for 64studio 
>>>> 4.0 based on Ubuntu 10.04?
>>>> With ext4, grub2 and full LV2 support?
>>> If there isn't a good argument against ext3 (or any other "old" file 
>>> system) I can't see any reason to use ext4.
>> I would turn that around. If there isn't a good argument against ext4...
> It's not proved to be fine with HD recording. I googled and ... okay, it 
> can be repaired by fsck. Before using ext4 for the default, people 
> should test it with HD recording for a while on different machines.
> For a multimedia distribution it might be more important to have "good" 
> multimedia apps and the software environment for those apps to get best 
> results on many machines, e.g. HR timer support, but also "full LV2 
> support". Ext4 might be risky and Grub is unimportant.
A multimedia distro should be easily installed next to another 
distribution. With that in mind I think it's wise to choose for ext4 and 
grub2, cause other distro's switch to that also. Of course if there is 
no strong argument against them.


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