Hi :)

the NVIDIA GeForce 7200 GS is ok with Linux on my computer.

*The Suse test*

You might remember that some time ago I build the proprietary nvidia
driver for a self build kernel amd64 on Suse, but I didn't
tested it.
I get no NVIDIA logo, X is ok for GDM, but there's something broken when
the session starts. After double pushing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and starting
a new session everything is ok.
I still have to do this every time after startup.
Today I tested the 3D support by using googleearth and it works like a

There's no doubt about it, Linux is fine with this NVIDIA card.

*How to continue with 64 Studio*

I still couldn't solve how to build the proprietary driver or to get the
Ubuntu kernel-rt and the packaged restricted modules running on 64
Studio 3.0-beta3 amd64.

Should I brief the troubles and open a ticket or send an email to the 64
Studio developers list? Or are you stressed out because of OEM stuff at
the moment?


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