On the side, Mališa

With RFC 8505, we are now claiming that the scope of uniqueness for a Link 
Local address is the pair of peers.
So the flow that you represent as

        |                          |                          |
        |<-Neighbor Discovery (2)->|                          |

In minimal security is more precisely as illustrated in my proposed flow for 
section 3.7 of the architecture:

    6LoWPAN Node       6LR              6LBR         Join Registrar

     (pledge)       (Join Proxy)       (root)      /Coordinator (JRC)

         |               |               |               |

         |  6LoWPAN ND   |6LoWPAN ND+RPL |  IPv6 network |

         |   LLN link    |Route-Over mesh| (the Internet)|

         |               |               |               |

         |   Layer-2     |               |               |

         |enhanced beacon|               |               |

         |<--------------|               |               |

       <-----------------|               |               |

         |  <------------|               |               |

         |               |               |               |

         | NS(EARO)      |               |               |

         |(for the LL @) |               |               |

         |-------------->|               |               |

         | NA(EARO)      |               |               |

         |<--------------|               |               |

         |               |               |               |

         | CoJP Join Req |               |               |

         | Link Local @  |               |               |

         |-------------->|               |               |

         |               |       CoJP Join Request       |

         |               |       Global Unicast @        |

         |               |------------------------------>|

         |               |               |               |

         |               |       CoJP Join Response      |

         |               |       Global Unicast @        |

         |               |<------------------------------|

         |CoJP Join Resp |               |               |

         | Link Local @  |               |               |

         |<--------------|               |               |

         |               |               |               |

            Figure 5: CoJP join process in a Multi-Link Subnet

Now, I do not think you need to change minimal, though, the level of 
abstraction is fine.

All the best


From: Mališa Vučinić <malisa.vuci...@inria.fr>
Sent: mercredi 5 décembre 2018 16:07
To: Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <pthub...@cisco.com>
Cc: 6tisch@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [6tisch] WGLC for 

Hello Pascal,

Here are my comments on draft-ietf-6tisch-architecture. I used the latest 
version of the draft hosted on bitbucket. In general, an editorial pass on the 
whole document would be useful, there are some typos here and there. The main 
issue I see is that Section 6.1 is completely outdated as it still refers to 
the preliminary discussions in the WG on JP authenticating the pledge, which is 
not really the case. Other comments are organized per sections, as I went 
through the document.


Section 1: Introduction

- I think it would be quite useful to add here a high-level description of TSCH 
operation, in order to give reader some idea on what TSCH is before delving 
into the terminology section
Section 2: Terminology
- 6P transaction: It would be useful to describe this term in a generic manner 
to cover 3-step transactions. I don't think it's really needed to talk about 
individual messages in the protocol.
-“Bundles are associated for either Layer-2 (switching) or Layer-3 (routing) 
forwarding operations. a Layer-3 bundle pair maps to an IP Link with a 
neighbor, whereas a Layer-2 bundle set corresponds to the relation of one or 
more incoming bundle(s) from the previous-hop neighbor(s) with one or more 
outgoing bundle(s) to the next-hop neighbor(s) along a Track. “
- I suggest removing the text above from the terminology section.

- CCA: definition is a bit upside down

- centralized cell reservation, centralized track reservation: are these really 
- Enhanced Beacon: add defined in IEEE802.15.4 ?

- link: describe what "link" means in terms of 6tisch

- Constrained Join Protocol (CoJP) is currently not defined. Should we have a 
dedicated entry or piggyback within generic “join protocol” term stressing that 
6TiSCH defines CoJP as its implementation.
Section 3.1: 6TiSCH Stack

- add Constrained Join Protocol in the Figure above CoAP. Use “Constrained Join 
Protocol” instead of “Minimal Security Framework for 6TiSCH”.
- Description of DTLS seems as a remnant. I would stress OSCORE here as the 
primacy choice with DTLS also being an option for applications.

- Maybe add block “Applications” alongside with CoJP?

Section 3.3: Scheduling TSCH

- Static Scheduling: mention earlier that this is needed for interoperability 
during network formation
Section 3.7: Join Process and Registration

- at this point, wording “with a preshared key” is not necessary. We expect 
zero-touch work to provide a shared key for CoJP execution. Omit “6TiSCH” in 
“6TiSCH Constrained Join Protocol” to be consistent with minimal-security. 
Replace 6JP with CoJP, applies for text and Figure 5.

Section 6: Security Considerations

The Minimal Security Framework for 6TiSCH [I-D.ietf-6tisch-minimal-security] 
describes the minimal mechanisms required to support secure enrollment of a 
pledge to a 6TiSCH network based on PSK. The specification allows to establish 
of Link-Layer keys, typically used in combination with a variation of Counter 
with CBC-MAC (CCM) [RFC3610], and set up a secure end-to-end session between 
the joining node (called the pledge) and the join registrar/coordinator (JRC) 
in charge of authenticating the node via a Join Proxy (JP). It can also be used 
to obtain a Link-Layer short address as a side effect. CoJP uses shared slots 
which are a constrained resource, so it is optimized to limit the number of 
messages to the strict minimum. As an example, Neighbor Discovery between the 
pledge and the JP can be skipped when the IPv6 Link Local addresses that are 
used derive from the node's EUI-64 address.

- I think “enrollment” is not the best term here since the pledge is considered 
to be already enrolled into the domain from the security viewpoint during the 
one-touch provisioning. I would suggest replacing the text:

support secure enrollment of a pledge to a 6TiSCH network based on PSK


enable a pledge to securely join a 6TiSCH network based on a PSK.

- “via a Join Proxy” to me gives an impression that JP participates in the 
authentication process, not that it only acts as a relay.

- CoJP appears here out of the blue, maybe mention it in the first sentence 
that it is defined as part of the Minimal Security Framework?

CoJP uses shared slots which are a constrained resource, so it is optimized to 
limit the number of messages to the strict minimum. As an example, Neighbor 
Discovery between the pledge and the JP can be skipped when the IPv6 Link Local 
addresses that are used derive from the node's EUI-64 address.

- I am not super happy about the phrasing of the paragraph above. CoJP does not 
use any particular slots: CoJP messages on the first hop are transmitted on 
shared slots, a consequence of CoJP being executed when a pledge is not yet 
part of the network. The example on ND is misleading since ND is only mentioned 
in minimal-security as part of the secure stack configuration, not really as 
part of the CoJP protocol itself.

The "6tisch Zero-Touch Secure Join protocol" 
[I-D.ietf-6tisch-dtsecurity-zerotouch-join] wraps the minimal security draft 
with a flow inspired from ANIMA "Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key 
Infrastructures (BRSKI)" [I-D.ietf-anima-bootstrapping-keyinfra].

- I would rephrase the sentence above to make it apparent that zero-touch work 
precedes minimal-security flow by defining the establishment of a shared secret 
based on (manufacturer-installed) certificate. The shared secret obtained by 
zero touch is then used to provide a secure OSCORE session to CoJP.

Section 6.1: Join Process Highlights

- This section, including Figure 17, is completely outdated. There is no 
authentication happening between JP and the pledge.
- Is it appropriate to have a generic description of the join process within 
"Security Considerations"?

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