Has you try to put the sata controller in legacy pata or something like?
I had the same problem with my Linux and I changed to pata and all works
fine. The AHCI mode do not run with me.
Armando Camarero escribió:
I've tried to install Plan 9 on my new computer and I'm having trouble
with the SATA controller.
If I have AHCI mode enabled in BIOS:
- Booting the install CD only gets to:
PBS1...Bad format or I/O error
- Booting using a floppy:
9load seems to load fine, and it even detects the SATA controller
sdiahci: drive 0 in state ready after 0 resets
(it does the same for drive 1, wich should be the DVD drive).
But it only lists fd0 as valid boot source.
Following advice from people in #plan9 I disabled AHCI mode and went
for legacy mode:
- Install CD booted fine. I could even partition the hard disk. But it
can't copy files as it begins throwing lots of I/O errrors while
copying files. I tried with DMA enabled and disabled.
I switched back to AHCI mode and tried booting the floppy again. Now
it shows fd0 and sdE0!9fat as boot devices (9fat partiton is empty, so
I can't boot). It seems in AHCI mode it can access hard disk just
fine, but it can't access the DVD drive.
Both hard disk and DVD drive are connected via SATA to the ICH9
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.