it would be useful if you could send the output of lspci to me offline.
there are many models of ich9.  not all of them have the same properties.

i do have an ich9r controller:

0.31.2: 01.06.01 8086/2922  10 0:00001c51 16 1:00001c45 16 2:00001c49 16 
3:00001c41 16 4:000018e1 32 5:d8d01000 2048

which works with some cavets.  hot plugging does not work and if
ports are skipped, drives after the skip are not accessable.

> If I have AHCI mode enabled in BIOS:
>  - Booting the install CD only gets to:
>     PBS1...Bad format or I/O error

don't know.  pbs uses bios to do i/o.

> - Booting using a floppy:
>     9load seems to load fine, and it even detects the SATA controller 
> printing
>     sdiahci: drive 0 in state ready after 0 resets
>     (it does the same for drive 1, wich should be the DVD drive).

that's normal.

> But it only lists fd0 as valid boot source.

i'd guess no suitable partition was found.

> Following advice from people in #plan9 I disabled AHCI mode and went for 
> legacy mode:
> - Install CD booted fine. I could even partition the hard disk. But it 
> can't copy files as it begins throwing lots of I/O errrors while copying 
> files. I tried with DMA enabled and disabled.

it sounds like you have either a bad drive or a cable problem.  i
would replace the sata cable first.  it is also possible that you are
having a problem with power management.  but i don't know how to tell
if you're using the ide interface.

> I switched back to AHCI mode and tried booting the floppy again. Now it 
> shows fd0 and sdE0!9fat as boot devices (9fat partiton is empty, so I 
> can't boot). It seems in AHCI mode it can access hard disk just fine, 
> but it can't access the DVD drive.
> Both hard disk and DVD drive are connected via SATA to the ICH9 controller.

make sure they are connected to ports 0 and 1 of the controller.
(either order.) 

- erik

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