> i understood what Russ said to mean: patches -- for enhancements that
> "might" someday have a use or fixes that remove some perceived
> shortcoming lacking an actual need -- are scary.

Not if they are first discussed in the type of forum that is savvy to
both the immediate effects and the hidden long term consequences.  I
think that was a misguided generalisation.  If I had it at my
fingertip, I would quote R.A. Heinlein's comment about democracy and

I'd be curious to hear the Plan 9 developers' take on how significant
they deem contributions from us peanut gallery, sometimes it seems
they very much prefer us all to just go away, as Uriel seems to
suggest.  Other times they seem positively thrilled to have us around.
A more consistent policy would be a lot easier to work with, whichever
side it took.


PS: Of course, Russ does not represent all Plan 9 developers (I have a
feeling and a deep respect for the fact that he may well often be the
sole heir to the title of Plan 9 developer :-) and I am a very
reluctant critic of someone whose contributions appear to have
single-handedly shaped Plan 9.  I'm sure that his outburst was nothing
more than reaction under stressing circumstances.

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