> RFNOMNT, like everything in Plan 9, was put in because
> someone needed to use it, not as a purely academic
> exercise in adding features.

Here is something which either I've misunderstood or is
harder than I'd like.

I have a machine which runs two private (password-protected)
web servers on different ports.  It is not the case that
everybody who can log in to the machine should be able to
read the content offered by those two servers.

The web server infrastructure seems pretty focused on running
as user "none", which makes sense as far as it goes, but I
don't want none to be able to read the files served by the
web servers because anybody who can log in to the machine can
become none.

What I've worked out so far is this.  At boot time, the host
owner (who is a member of a group which can access the bits)
builds an approprate namespace for each of the web servers.
In each case the hostowner starts up a wikifs which can read
and modify the privileged information but which posts a
world-mountable service descriptor in /srv.  Once each web
server is launched in a namespace which has mounted the
descriptor, the descriptor is deleted from /srv.  If all this
happens before listen is run, I think the result is two
environments which are both running as none but have access
to the bits they need, without leaking that access to everybody
else who runs as none.

What does this have to do with RFNOMNT?  For one thing, while
I thought about using RFNOMNT to limit the ability of the a
hijacked web server or its children to get at the rest of the
system, lots of people demand the ability to rearrange their
namespaces, e.g., wikipost bails out if it can't mount onto

But overall I wish I had more ability to set up "least privilege"
execution domains, meaning process trees with exactly the
privileges they need but no more.

Or am I doing it all wrong?

Dave Eckhardt

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