On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Roman V. Shaposhnik <r...@sun.com> wrote:
> Multiplexing. If devices exposed channel interface, and got
> exported there would be no kernel protecting from clients
> sending random sequences of 9P messages (on a single host
> you can't mount a channel and then continue reading/writing
> 9P messages over it).

a year or so back i mentioned a way that this could be done,
by having an "auth" (DMAUTH) file visible in the namespace representing the
channel to be mounted. you can turn this file into a new namespace
by opening it and handing it to an attach message (as the afid).

i've probably still got a working inferno kernel that i modified to
allow this, but i didn't take it any further.

this mechanism *could* potentially be used to replace the # namespace.

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