> On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 4:27 PM, John Barham <jbar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dynamic loading allows scripting languages to load arbitrary binary
>> extensions at run-time.  Without dynamic loading in Plan 9...
>  You're missing the beauty of 9p. Who needs dynload() when you have mount()?

this thinking goes back to the beginning with pipes
and the shell.  to use object-oriented language out of place,
any program that produces or consumes a byte stream
can be extended by another program that produces or
consumes a byte stream.

with a thread library program that passes messages
on channels, one could do similar extensions by replacing
one end of the channel in a similar manner to replacing
a program in a regular pipe.  though message typing would
limit the generality of the arrangement.

- erik

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