> i had that debate with a kde-loving linux admin. i had been explaining
> why plan 9 was interesting or significant, and he countered with the
> kde example. i was marginally impressed by the number of protocols
> they handled, but when i asked how you'd use it with cat and friends,
> he said "no, just use kate".
> i reeled, stuttered, tried to get out something that sounded like
> "layering violation", and ran away. it wasn't even a cost/benefit
> argument; there wasn't any recognition of the costs.

does he also plans to build a tcp/ip stack into his
applications?  maybe we could dispense with the kernel.
it's complicated anyway.  each application could drive
hardware itself.  but to make this easier, we'll used shared
libraries.  the only system service we'd need is a shared library

- erik

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