i agree complaining about the formats is pointless. and hey, at least
it's text. last plain text format with slightly awkward lines i had to
play with, they went and changed the next version to be ASN.1.

but i don't think the suggestions here for how to make it play well
with Acme are all that bad. personally, i'd go rog's route of writing
a little program to pop out the address, as having things jump around
when changing tabs for newlines and back would be kind jarring. Acme's
not ideally suited to the task at hand, but it's not an awful fit,
either, and has many other nice benefits that likely make up for the
disconnect (or would for me, anyway).

and, as they say, if you want vim you know where to find it.

oh, wait, maybe you don't:
        :; contrib/list stefanha/vim
        stefanha/vim: Vim: enhanced vi editor
never used it myself, but it exists. i find vi(1) more fun, myself.


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