On Wed, 25 Mar 2009 09:00:58 EDT "Devon H. O'Dell" <devon.od...@gmail.com>  
>                                                  While creating an
> entire routing suite (such as Zebra/Quagga) is probably outside of the
> scope of a 3 month project, I think a diligent student could probably
> do something useful with OSPF or BGP. It's entirely possible that a 3
> month project could consist of analyzing Plan 9's ability to function
> in this environment and making changes to facilitate the
> implementation of routing protocols. Or creating a packet filter.

Thinking a bit more about it, extending /net/iproute to allow
routing metrics may be what is needed for porting/building
something like openospfd or openbgpd.  Basically
/net/{iproute,ipifc} etc need to do more or less what a
routing socket does under *BSD (man 4 route).  Of course,
there may be other things missing in the p9 IP stack that may
get in the way but now I think porting something like
openospfd in a summer is doable.

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