> Would there be any merit to breaking the shell apart into a number of
> smaller programs? Looking at GNU bash as an example (though I know GNU
> is probably one of the worst places to look for "Unix style"), It is my
> understanding that one program handles many things, such as keyboard
> bindings (which I believe in turn requires bash to read in cbreak or raw
> or whatever and do it's own line editing), glob expansion, aliases,
> history, syntax parsing, command execution, job control, etc. etc.
> IMO this results in a more complex program than necessary. Keyboard
> bindings for example; why couldn't they be handled by a program that
> just does keyboard bindings + line editing, and writes finalized lines
> to the shell. This in turn could also allow bindings to be more easily
> customized (such as binding autocomplete to Ctrl+F instead of tab)
> depending on its implementation.

fwiw, plan 9 handles key bindings in #κ.  the shell hasn't a clue.
rio (or acme) handles the editing.  again, the shell hasn't a clue.
and autocomplete?  yup.  same story.  hapless rc hasn't a clue.

rc is proof that ignorance is bliss.

- erik

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