bindings for example; why couldn't they be handled by a program that
just does keyboard bindings + line editing, and writes finalized lines
to the shell.

Like... readline(3)?

       The Gnu Readline Library, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey
       The Gnu History Library, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey

-- man readline

--On Tuesday, April 07, 2009 3:53 PM +0800 sqweek <> wrote:

2009/4/7 Corey <>:
bindings for example; why couldn't they be handled by a program that
just does keyboard bindings + line editing, and writes finalized lines
to the shell.

 Congratulations, you've perceived the difference between shell and
terminal. A lot of people stuck in modern unix fail to notice this
one... which is not that surprising considering the state of modern
unix terminals (9term excepted - quiet Anothy :P).

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