2009/7/8 Francisco J Ballesteros <n...@lsub.org>:
>> ACPI will never, ever, ever happen, so people better get over it (and
>> if anyone is naive enough to waste their time trying, it will end up
>> as a useless atrocious mess that wont boot even in a 100th of the
>> systems out there, much less suspend or do anything useful).
> I've been  wasting time on acpi, and will do waste more time soon.

Another person in Plan 9 has been working on an AML interpreter that
presents the ADT in a filesystem (at least, that was what I envisioned
and explained to him). I believe he has also contacted you regarding
some USB ethernet device, so perhaps you two will want to work
together to some point? If I can be of any use as well, let me know.
I've got a small bit of experience with ACPI (fixing some issues in
FreeBSD's acpica support for Intel Blades).

> sorry, this is just a case convention I've recently seen
> and I love it.

It's certainly fun from a WTF were they thinking perspective. Hardware
engineers are rarely amazing programmers.

> BTW, useless, who knows; but atrocious?, the interpreter is pretty.
> but what could I say about it?


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