On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 16:34, erik quanstrom<quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
>> For the task to be done "print the k most common words in a file", the
>> Unix approach and the Unix tools give everything to create a "program"
>> far more rapidly than the from scratch approach adopted by D. Knuth. But
>> because the tools exist (are already written... but in what language?
>> Easily understandable? Maintainable? etc.).
> the problem i have with "literate programming" is that it
> tends to treat code like a terse and difficult-to-understand
> footnote.  it seems to me that "literate programs" tend to
> spend too much time commenting on straightforward code
> or code that is easier read than explained.  ironicly, the
> assumption seems to be that one is illiterate in the computer
> language at hand.

I'd guess that depends a great deal on the author's style.  In the
paper I quoted, I wouldn't say that's true at all of Knuth's
discussion.  I personally am very aware of this tendency, and only
comment to introduce a bit of code and place it within the overall
structure, on extremely clever constructions (on the BWK gibe that I
won't be smart enough to debug it later), and to describe how the code
segment interacts with others and maps to the problem domain.

Jason Catena

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