On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 10:52 PM, erik quanstrom<quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
> personally, i think the best contributions come
> from people who have a real personal need or
> better want to solve a problem, solve it and
> contribute the  solution back to the community.

Yes, I do agree with that.

> i think that's why unix and plan 9 exist at all.
> so i would encourage folks who would like to
> contribute to find stuff they're intereted in.
> i also think that it may be a good idea for
> us to figure out how to help folks who would
> like to take on projects like this do so outside
> the framework of gsoc.

I wasn't thinking about doing this as a GSOC project,
I wanted to do something for my master's project which
was a hardcore open-source implementation, that's why I
was going through the gsoc ideas page.

> i'm willing to contribute time to that end.
> - erik

Vinu Rajashekhar,
5th Year Dual Degree Student,
Deptt of Computer Science & Engg,
IIT Kharagpur,

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