On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Brian L. Stuart <blstu...@bellsouth.net>wrote:

> > > Q: "Will C continue to be important into the future?"
> > > (Dave Kirk, Nvidia)A: "No, I think C will die like
> > Fortran has"
> >
> > let me explain the joke. In HPC circles, people have been
> > predicting
> > the death of fortran for 30 years. Fortran has continued to
> > grow and
> > thrive. The predictions continue, but the latest fortran
> > standard
> > includes objects.
> >
> > So, what Dave is saying, tongue in cheek, is that C will
> > die in the
> > way fortran has -- i.e., not at all.
> I just hope standards committees don't "enhance" C into
> Frankenstein's monster.
I actually think they might enhance C in this way in the ISO standard one
day.  The only nice bit is this is like C + a taped on block "thingy".  You
don't have to use it, and your other C is not affected by this change. (I

It's not like they're changing the semantics of the ; or anything. (or did

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