In article <>,
Roman V Shaposhnik <> wrote:
>On Wed, 2009-09-02 at 12:11 -0700, Brian L. Stuart wrote:
>> > > Q: "Will C continue to be important into the future?"
>> > > (Dave Kirk, Nvidia)A: "No, I think C will die like
>> > Fortran has"
>> > 
>> > let me explain the joke. In HPC circles, people have been
>> > predicting
>> > the death of fortran for 30 years. Fortran has continued to
>> > grow and
>> > thrive. The predictions continue, but the latest fortran
>> > standard
>> > includes objects.
>> > 
>> > So, what Dave is saying, tongue in cheek, is that C will
>> > die in the
>> > way fortran has -- i.e., not at all.
>> I just hope standards committees don't "enhance" C into
>> Frankenstein's monster.
>A friend of mine, who is still serving on the C committee, once
>mentioned who lucky they were to have C++ around as a perfect
>dumping ground for all the "cool" enhancements that got proposed
>along the way.
>P.S. Another friend of mine still feels sad that Fortress didn't
>become that same sort of dumping ground for Fortran ;-)

Well, this is probably not a good time to mentioned that lambdas
and closures have been well discussed by the C++ committe with
lots of draft wording for them in a forthcmoing C++ standard.
That then may or may not mean the "dump" will make its was back to C.
Coming full circle, if it does, it means, Apple's block stuff
will not be compatible, at least not syntactically (at least
not what I recall of if -- have not look at it for a while).
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