On Monday 14 December 2009 09:49:31 chutsu wrote:
> So.. been looking at plan 9, am confused what plan 9 is 
used for? I
        I use Plan 9 as a web server, compute and compile server, 
and a file server for source code. It's far easier to manage than 
Unix or Windows, I've had BSD systems fail me far more often 
than Plan 9 has; the few cases Plan 9 has failed, it was 
painless to fix.
> mean I know its a hobbyst sort of OS, but what can you do 
with it
> though?
        Plan 9 has been around for years. It was developed by the 
same professionals that were responsible for Blit and UNIX, 
and more. Plan 9 is used in some businesses for various 
        Hardily a hobbyist system.
> Can you browse the internet?
        I believe the current browser is Abaco, forgive me if I'm 
wrong. Yes you can view the Internet.
> Watch videos?
        Last thing I knew there wasn't a video player. A basic video 
player would be rather simple to write though.
> Thanks
> Chris

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