Welcome aboard!!
I think you will need to compile the prgs you download from
'sources'... just type 'mk install' n the proper directory
please do not hesitate to ask me more if you're in a problem,I 'm not
a guru, but I have some 10 yrs. experience with plan 9 as my favourite


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:03 AM, plan9 <bitpusher2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greets all.
> If I may please,
> i'm a plan9 newbie. Don't know a thing about writing code or
> programming, nor do I know anything about networking other than what
> dhcp does for me. Thusly, i'm just a "user".  I enjoy figuring out
> everything I can on my own when possible, having learnt alot from so
> many years of Slackware and FreeBSD.
> Truthfully, I just need help understanding how to do one thing.
> Installing other softwares. How do I take something (say from the
> sources index on the plan9 homesite) and install it? I can't find an
> equivalent to anything like pkg_add or the classic configure/make/make
> install type of thing.
> Thank you in advance for your help folks. Truly.
> I prefer minimalism in my interface and considering (what I see) to be
> the pure beauty of the plan9 interface and design, I hope I can
> someday make it my everyday OS.
> In short; nice to meet ya :) Hope I can become as proficient here as
> alot of you are.
>  --Q

Petr A. Cejchan
<c...@gli.cas.cz, tyap...@gmail.com>
work: +420-233 087 237
home/SMS: +420-720 121 721
ICQ: 583000501

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