Well, i'm certainly glad there are friendly folks here, thank you all.
I guess the need for running "configure" first is gone here.

I'm having trouble finding info on how to mount a thumb drive. My
primary home machine is a laptop, with a Broadcom card, and since it
is not detected, I have to download things from the source here
(booted into FreeBSD). I promise not to bother you folks much further,
but is there perhaps a simplified version you might give me of the
device lettering system so I can figure out how to mount partitions/

Truthfully, i'm attracted to plan9 like a super-magnet and I don't
know why since this OS (I might presume) isn't geared toward the daily/
desktop @ home user. Instant messaging, burning CD/DVD things, not
really there? All that aside though, i've got the feeling i'm going to
work at every route possible to earn the admirable title of a "9fan".
Maybe I just love the bunny :) I thought about installing the 9tools
(including rio) right here in my home-sweet-home BSD land, but there's
certainly nothing better than the real thing.

Lol, I apologize for the rant. Take care all. Thank you.

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