> On Tue Mar  2 06:11:54 EST 2010, kokam...@hera.eonet.ne.jp wrote:
>> I'm making a fossil+venti file server using two 500GB SATA drives and
>> a SATA DVD, and have trouble to use the DVD drive.
> without knowing more about your symptoms, it's hard to say.
 One 500GB is connected to SATA1, and another 400GB is to SATA2, and super DVD 
to SATA 3 port.
Then, insert with the live-CD iso disk, and then the first messages from 9load
was displayed, and at that point system hang.
I think 9load cannot read CDROM's kernel.
Then, I got off the first drive, and connected it to another machine (P5K 
and installed the live-cd image using IDE mode...
After a bit more things to do, now I'm using fossil on the P5Q Pro motherboard 
two SATA mode HDD (DVD is not detected yet though).

>i think it would be a better idea to
> start with sd00 and work our way up to sdxx without
> regard to controller.  they should all be compatable,
> right?  sdctl could be used to map drive numbers to
> controllers for the few applications that might care.

I agree. It's much much better.


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