On Tue Mar  2 09:36:27 EST 2010, kokam...@hera.eonet.ne.jp wrote:
>  One 500GB is connected to SATA1, and another 400GB is to SATA2, and super 
> DVD drive
> to SATA 3 port.
> Then, insert with the live-CD iso disk, and then the first messages from 9load
> was displayed, and at that point system hang.
> I think 9load cannot read CDROM's kernel.
> Then, I got off the first drive, and connected it to another machine (P5K 
> motherboard),
> and installed the live-cd image using IDE mode...
> After a bit more things to do, now I'm using fossil on the P5Q Pro 
> motherboard with
> two SATA mode HDD (DVD is not detected yet though).

most likely, you're running into the fact that the distribution
wants the cd to be in sdD0 and no place else.  i have added
the ability to load from any drive to 9load.  this is done by
setting $bootdev and $bootpath and by allowing boot parameters
to be used as variables.  9load knows $bootdev.  that's where
plan9.ini is.  then plan9.ini can say


and you can boot from any device.
many thanks to rsc for suggesting a much better

- erik

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