I'm playing around with 9vx and have split up (re)building 9vx from the the
9vx root file system provided in the tarball 9vx-0.12.tar.gz

When I first start 9vx from a clean build and run /sys/lib/newuser it builds
the user directory in /$user instead of /usr/$user.  The problem appears to
arize from the following:

user=`{cat /dev/user}
if(test -f $home/lib/profile){
        echo user directories already made
        exit no
cd $home

When we try to cd to $home, it does not exist (as checked by the previous if),
and $cwd is set to / by default...  The following patch simply makes $home
before cd'ing to it.

Is this supposed to be the expected nehaviour?

  EBo --

--- a/sys/lib/newuser   2008-06-30 08:44:02.000000000 -0500
+++ b/sys/lib/newuser   2010-04-11 15:36:41.865384817 -0500
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
        echo user directories already made
        exit no
+mkdir $home
 cd $home
 mkdir bin bin/rc bin/mips bin/386

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