> It's imperative that the current official Plan 9 sources and distro
> remain undisturbed.

okay.  it may not be your intention, but now you're trolling.
you complained that the official sources were stagnant in
your opening salvo.  now you're arguing the opposite.  hard
to take this completely seriously.

> ... are simply - by far - much more important and practical to a greater
> number of people than these other prominent Plan 9  idioms:
> * radical frugal simplicity throughout the entire system

i think you have the ideology wrong.  from simplicity springs
forth 9p, etc.  without the frugal design none of the people who
use plan 9/inferno professionally would have any interest in plan 9.
simplicity is the key.

> * a stance against POSIX and other standards

what's your justification for this opinion?  plan 9 supports
many standards.  off the top of my head: icmp, bootp (pxe),
dhcp, ip, udp, tcp, smtp, http, ftp, imap4, pop, dns, etc.  

> * a stance against alternate programming language paradigms

hmm.  doesn't Aleph count?  that language is dead and gone, but
it was a quite different language than c.

surely you don't mean that the plan 9 community should accept
(or implement) all languages.

> * a strong bias towards a particular form of user interaction with the
> system (i.e. acme, rio, etc)

suggest something better.  if it doesn't exist, then implement it.
convince people that you're ideas are better.

- erik

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