> but if you're looking for somebody to say "Sounds
> great, where do you want me to start?" you'll probably be waiting a
> long time,

I think it's more "what a great idea, I've thought about the same and
here is what I have done".  Fact is, it's all largely there in
/n/sources/contrib(*), 9vx and p9p, with a peppering of linuxemu, but
it could do with some focussed discussion and documentation.
Documentation, particularly, is not one of Plan 9's strongest
features.  For example, Nemo's two major commentaries could do with
revision(**).  And perhaps part of the Plan 9 installation should
include easy access to salient items on the wiki.

I'm assuming, based on past discussion, that many frustrated
9fans-to-be just have not had a chance to investigate the available


(*)     I plea for a couple of major changes to contrib myself.  And I'm
        willing to code them, but I need some direction pointers: (a) can
        we move fgb's "contrib" back-end to a different directory so as to
        reduce the volume of the portion of contrib that is not served by
        it?  and (b) can we either adopt "contrib" for the whole of the
        contrib tree or provide some other technique possibly based on
        replica to make it possible for someone like me at the tip of a
        low-speed Internet link to maintain a copy of it?

(**) Nemo, could you publish source versions of your commentaries with
        copyright notices to protect whatever I.P.  you may need to
        protect and let others try to improve on them?  Specially the 3ed
        kernel sources commentary?  CVS or equivalent would be good, or
        even "patch", if somebody (I'll do it, if there is enough
        patience) is prepared to deal with it.

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