On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Akshat Kumar
<aku...@mail.nanosouffle.net> wrote:

> Is `rbind' a recursive bind, that takes care of binding at
> all depths? Because that's what you'd need in order
> for the binds to work. And then you shouldn't have any
> problems.

Yes, aki wrote it and yes, I thought it should solve the problems. It
did not seem to work.

I'll get you a copy. Oh wait look here.

i sure do miss aki. Can you try the rbind thing and see if I got
something wrong? Would be *very* nice to leave the files in the .iso
and just bind things.

> If I can come up with a general set of commands to revert
> a given package à la history(1)/yesterday(1), I would put
> a set of those commands in /installed/$i when the package
> is installed. Then you just pass it to rc and you're golden.

I don't think that's good enough. It's fine for standalone packages.
But consider hg. It depends on 3 or 4 things. Should you track that
stuff too, and not remove python is hg is installed? If python creates
'x', and hg creates 'x', should you remove x if you remove HG? and so
on ...  This is what makes tracking packages so ugly.

It gets ugly fast. I would just as soon mount the .iso's and do binds.


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