Another view on software managment:



On 2010-05-16 20:58, Corey wrote:
On Sunday 16 May 2010 10:34:53 EBo wrote:
Have you tried Sorcery from Source Mage?
No, but I'll definitely look into it.  Thanks for the pointer.

Might also want to check out paludis, a spiritual successor
to portage, built from scratch (written in c++), designed with
the focused goal of fixing portage's shortcomings:

Somewhat related:

Sorry no direct experience with these yet - not promoting
them, just providing links to info.

(I've been using gentoo for a variety of purposes in a variety
of roles/capacities and environments for many years now, and
it's my linux of choice - the amount of fine-grained control and
convenience I've gained via portage has far exceeded the
occasional intermittent frustrations)

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